Photo by @jonnynichayes
I’m not sure about you but for me, this Easter was pretty tough. 2020 has been a rollercoaster of a year, personally. I came into 2020 with such positivity, everyone was talking about ‘2020 vision’, the Olympics, this year was going to be THE year. I don’t think anyone would have predicted the effects of Covid-19, how that’s impacted everyone’s lives, economy, travel. It almost seems like 2020 is the complete opposite of what we planned.
We recently wrapped up the Discovery Tour. It was a testimony in itself that we managed to complete the run of shows, only needing to cancel the last one due to government shutdowns. It was such an honour to finish the tour by going to the West Coast and Brazil, where we’ve been wanting to go for a long time. And while touring is a lot of fun, it also takes a lot out of us mentally, physically and emotionally.
And fast forward, Easter just passed. It’s almost like at the end of Matthew 27 when they secured the tomb where Jesus was buried. And literally, the next chapter is Matthew 28 talking about the resurrection of Jesus. What happened to Saturday, in the middle of the death and resurrection of Jesus? We all know that Covid-19 will eventually end, but we’re in the middle of it now. I wonder what are you in the middle of right now?
“My response is more important than the reason why. Stop figuring out why we’re there and start figuring out our response while we’re there.”
I recently heard a sermon by Mike Todd titled “In The Middle” and I was moved, encouraged and brought to tears when I heard that message. Without giving too much of the message away, he started by suggesting that we treat Good Friday as our reality. Witnessing the one we gave up our lives to follow, after experiencing all his teaching and believing that he is the Son of God, hanging on a cross. And now we’re in Saturday, processing all that has happened. And that struck me. To just imagine someone which you’ve trusted your life with is now dead. I can imagine the thoughts, the sense of loss and not knowing what to do. Beginning to question everything and trying to logically make sense of it all.
Pastor Mike shared the first point away which was “My response is more important than the reason why. Stop figuring out why we’re there and start figuring out our response while we’re there.“ No one has all the answers to all of our questions and worries - Why Covid-19? Why am I experiencing the pain and hurt that I’m going through now? Why have I lost my job? When will this end? and so forth. But at the end of the day, we can be assured that God cares for us. Matthew 6:27-34 says it clearly. If God can provide for the birds and the flowers, how much more God will provide for us. And I love that verse 27 asks: “can any of our worries add a single hour to your lives?”
Mike introduced us to the method of the middle which I thought was brilliant and so relevant to everyone, non-believers and believers. The formula is
Reality -> Dilemma -> Deception -> Decision -> Death -> Deliverance -> Resurrection
1. Reality
One that we can all relate to is the effects of Covid-19 having in our lives. The reality of our situation may it be loss of a job or a much-welcomed break from work and so on. Put in your reality right now and, if we’re honest, sometimes our reality is not enough to carry us through the middle.
2. Dilemma
We’re all in a dilemma as to what’s the right thing to do is right now. We’re pulled in 2 opposite directions. We’ve got so much to sort out because life still carries on. We’ve all got our responsibilities.
3. Deception
With every dilemma, the enemy sees an opportunity to deceive us and manipulate and destroy. The enemy’s plan is always to attack when we’re pressured, hard-pressed and in a tight spot. Making us think that our worth is connected to our works.
4. Decision
We’re forced to make a decision. Sometimes we would do the thing that we said we never do because of pressure and fear. Similar to Peter, he was so sure he would never deny Jesus, but as we read the bible we find that he did 3 times. We can either make a decision based on what we see and our surroundings or focusing on the character of Jesus. The decision we make doesn’t make the middle feel any better either.
5. Death
With every decision, there’s something that needs to die. Dying to our selves, our pride, our plans and the way we do things, our comfort.
6. Deliverance
When we invite God into our situation, God begins to set us free, heal our wounds, speak new life into our middle. Revelation 3:20 “ Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with me”
7. Resurrection
After outlasting the middle, resurrection is at the end. John 5:8 “Get Up! Pick up your mat & walk” It is an action statement. We can face our reality with full of faith in the all powerful God who conquered death.
To put this method into practice: God’s REALITY was Sin entering into the world. We’re all sinners. The DILEMMA was how were we to be in relationship with God himself when we’re sinners? The DECEPTION was the enemy thought he had won. God made a DECISION to send his only son to Earth and ultimately pay the most expensive price and ultimate sacrifice for us by the DEATH of Jesus. So that we are DELIVERED to be in right relationship with God himself, resulting in a RESURRECTION of our spirit, and in the days to come!
Just thinking of that, struck my heart so deeply that GOD himself also had a middle that he had to go through. To be more literal, Jesus himself died in the MIDDLE of 2 thieves. The cross was in the middle of what was a doomed reality for all humanity and a coming resurrection.
To know and see God’s unconditional love for us on the cross 2000 years ago, brought so much encouragement, confidence and faith to my reality. God loves me so much to die for me, what does my reality compare to that? Jesus knows what I’m going through and he is in control if we will only put our trust in him.
I don’t know what your reality is right now, but rest assured God is the God of the beginning, middle and end. And He WILL always make a way.
If you’d like to listen to the full talk from Mike Todd, you can listen here.