This month we launched our first SSCP (Set Sail Creative Project). A chance for artists and creators of all kinds to contribute artwork based on the same theme. A kind of big, online collaboration. With it being December, we decided to choose ‘Advent’ as our theme. And the Bible passage of Isaiah 9:6-7 was chosen.
We’ve had a huge variety of submissions posted and it’s been amazing to say this theme interpreted in so many beautiful ways. Here are the contributions:
The first piece is a series of colourful typographic pieces by Tonyong Preechavutinant (@craftedbyhim), a Graphic Designer from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
A short film by Lizzy Grace.
We also had a great selection of songs written and sent in through our Discord server. For some it was their first time writing and producing a full song! So many wonderful interpretations of the passage.